Unfortunately, the COVID-19 has had significant consequences in shipping logistics worldwide.

With most countries imposing a Lockdown of sorts, people around the world are staying home more than ever. This, in turn, has driven more people to order online, significantly increasing the amount of orders at a global scale.

Shipping Companies, on the other hand, have also had to take preventive measures against the spreading of the virus. Some of these measures include a reduction in staff members, minimizing of working hours, as well as significantly decreased international commercial flights. 

These circumstances have unfortunately incurred in transit times of 15-50 days from the dispatch depending on the country of destination. Please be aware that we are still operating and all orders are arriving to our customers despite these delays.

If you're concerned about the potential transmission of COVID-19 through parcels, rest assured that the virus cannot survive on parcels/cardboards any longer than 24 hours.

The World Health Organization has declared parcels safe from virus. You can read more on the matter here:

and here,


While surface-to-person transmission of COVID-19 via packages is unlikely, we still advise you to follow the recommended guidelines for protecting yourself from the virus.

Here are few tips for maximizing your safety while accepting packages and deliveries:

  • Avoid close/direct contact with the delivery person. Always ask for contact-free delivery, recommending that the package be left in a safe space outside your home. At the very least, be sure to maintain two meters of distance between yourself and the delivery person
  • Immediately wash your hands after handling a package. After disposing the packaging, don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly with either soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Disinfect packages and surfaces. Disinfect packages and if you set the package down on your kitchen counter while opening it, disinfect the counter using either a sanitizer or a diluted bleach cleaner you can make at home.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Despite the fact that the virus can't infect you through your skin, you can still get sick if it's on your hands and you then touch your eyes, nose or mouth. 


Thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times. If you have any doubts or questions regarding shipping times or your order, please email us at

Stay safe,